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 Terms of use of the site 



The use of the website (hereinafter: the "Website") is subject to the reading of these Terms, and consent to its provisions.


The site is owned by Moradova Global Ltd. H.P. 514676378 (hereinafter: "the Company"). The site sells alcoholic beverages (hereinafter: "the Products").


It should be emphasized - the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor to those under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited!


Warning: Excessive alcohol consumption is life threatening and harmful to health!


Any user of the site or performing any action on it (hereinafter: "the user") undertakes to act in accordance with these regulations.


Only a user who is a resident of Israel who has reached the age of 18, who is not invalid, and a company legally incorporated in Israel, whose shareholders and managers are residents of Israel who have reached the age of 18, may use the site.


The regulations are written in the masculine language but refer to both sexes alike, everything stated in these regulations in the masculine language also applies to the female and vice versa and everything stated in the singular language also applies to the plural and vice versa.


The headings of the Articles of Association have been determined for convenience only and should not be interpreted beyond this.


The Company and the Website reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time at their sole discretion, without the need to give any prior notice.


The images displayed on the website are for illustration purposes only, and should not be seen as a display of the products themselves. In addition, there may be differences in appearance, color, size, etc., between the products, as they are displayed on the site, and the products in reality.


A user who registers on the site, hereby gives his consent to receive advertising messages, via email, SMS, or in any other way.


To the extent that the user wishes to stop receiving advertising messages, as stated, he is asked to notify the site management and / or the company by email .


For any questions regarding the use of the site and the purchase of products on it, you can contact Yitzhak by phone

Number 052-3988202 or email to .


Terms of Use

A purchase may be made on the website of a user who has a valid credit card from one of the following credit companies:

Leumi Card, Visa, Isracard, MasterCard, Diners, American Express and / or owns a PayPal account, and subject to approval of the transaction by the credit card company or through PayPal.


Purchasing products on the site can only be done if all of the following conditions are met:


(1) the company has confirmed the purchase and sent a notice to the user or made a telephone contact to arrange delivery;


(2) the company has received approval to carry out the transaction from the credit company or PayPal;


(3) the products ordered by the user are in stock;


(4) the address to which the delivery of the products was requested is on the list of distribution areas as defined below;


(5) The user is a resident of Israel over the age of 18 and is not invalid.


When placing an order on the website, the user will be required to provide, among other things, the following details:


(1) first and last name and ID number; In the case of a corporation, the name of the corporation and a company number.


(2) Telephone number, residential address or business address, email address if any.


(3) Details of the means of payment.

Services policy and ordering

Receipt of an order from the user to purchase the products through the website constitutes the user's offer to purchase them and acceptance of the offer will be made by sending an email by the company or a telephone contact confirming the transaction and sending the products to the user's address.

In the event that the products ordered by the user are out of stock, the company will notify the user. In this case, the user will be able to choose other products or get a refund, according to the user's choice.



The prices of the products published on the website are the prices of the products at the time the order is typed and approved by the user. The company will be entitled to update the prices of the products on the site from time to time at its discretion.


The prices of the products sold on the website do not necessarily correspond to the prices of the products sold in sales branches that are not in its possession.



User information and site security

The details entered on the site by the user are kept confidential.


The information entered on the website by the user is the sole responsibility of the user. The company and the website and / or any of its operators and / or anyone on their behalf will not be responsible for any mistake made by the user when entering the information.


In addition, the company and / or the site will not be directly or indirectly responsible in the event that the purchase details are not received in the system and / or for any technical and / or other problem that prevents operations on the site or performs them incorrectly.


Upon making a purchase on the site, the user gives his consent that his personal details (such as: name, social security number, email address, etc.), will be stored in the company's databases, all in accordance with the provisions of the law.


As stated above, the Company will not transfer the user's personal details to an external party to the Company, unless required to do so by a competent authority from the state authorities, or by virtue of a court order, in accordance with the provisions of any law.


Upon making a purchase on the site, the user confirms and declares that he knows that entering false information on the site is a criminal offense and that false information may be taken against the submission of false information, including tort claims for damages that may be caused to the company and / or site and / or owners and / or operators. / Or to any of its managers and / or to anyone on their behalf.


Distribution areas

When ordering the products, the user will select the shipping address from the list of updated distribution areas on the site (hereinafter: "Distribution areas").


Delivery of the products purchased on the site is possible only when the requested address is within the distribution area, and as long as there is no technical, security or other impediment to the delivery of the products.


Delivery times and delivery

Order about 4 business days not including the day of delivery.


The company will update when the order is confirmed by it when the products ordered by the user will be delivered.

* Supply will be made on the ground floor only.


The products will be delivered to the user or recipient of the order at the address where the user specified the order only, and subject to the presentation of a legally identifiable certificate by the recipient of the order and being over 18 years of age.


The user must check the contents of the shipment upon receipt.


Change or cancel order and return products

Cancellation of order by user


The user will be entitled to cancel any order through the website before making the order for the user.


It should be emphasized - a drink order provided is non-refundable.


To the extent that the order is not canceled due to a defect or non-compliance, the company will be entitled to charge the user a cancellation fee of 5% of the transaction price, as well as any payment collected from the company by the credit company for clearing the user's credit card for the transaction. From the company for making the shipment on behalf of the user.

The user may return products received on his behalf, only when they are closed and in their original packaging, provided that the packaging has not been opened, damaged or used, and subject to the presentation of an invoice attesting to the purchase of the products at 47 Merkava Street, Holon.


Cancellation of an order by the company


The company will be entitled to cancel an order, for any reason, even if the user has already received an email confirming the purchase. Notice of cancellation of the purchase will be given to the user by phone or email. The user will not have any claim and / or claim and / or demand towards the company in respect of the cancellation of the order by it. The user will not be entitled to any compensation from the company for the cancellation and / or change as stated, but the user will be entitled to a full refund of the payment made by him.


Without derogating from the above, in any case where the company believes, at its sole discretion, that its services and / or ordering the products are being abused, the company may not supply the products to the user, and the user will have no claim and / or demand and / or claim in connection For that.


Limitation of Liability

The company and / or the site are not responsible for any damage, of any kind or type, direct or indirect, caused, directly and / or indirectly, to the user and / or any third party as a result of purchasing, supplying or transporting the products, and their consumption including the company will not Liability in connection with the following events, in the event of which of them the Company may notify the cancellation of the purchase, in whole or in part:


(1) A purchase made on the site that is caused as a result of an act and / or omission and / or negligence and / or malice of the user and / or any third party, including, a purchase made by credit card without the owner's consent, a purchase made by a minor and / or invalid A law without the consent of his guardian, an action performed on the site by any third party who enters the site and causes damage, an action performed by any third party using the details of the user of the site, and the like.


(2) an act and / or omission that is not under the control of the company, including but not limited to - due to force majeure.


(3) A communication failure that results from an act and / or omission and / or negligence of any third party.


(4) If there are changes in the tax rates and / or levies that apply to the products between the date of publication of the products on the website and the planned date of delivery.


(5) The images on the site are for illustration only


(6) The site does not commit to years - the product will be delivered according to what is in stock.


The company may change and / or replace and / or remove, at any time and in its sole discretion, any of the products displayed on the site.


Improper use of the site

Anyone who improperly uses the site, undertakes to indemnify and compensate the company and / or the owners of the site and / or its founders and / or any of its operators and / or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf for any claim and / or expense and / or damages of any kind and type Which includes legal expenses, which will be incurred by the company and / or the owners of the site and / or its founders and / or any of its operators and / or any of its managers and / or anyone on their behalf for the improper use, as stated, immediately upon their first demand.


Ownership and preservation of rights

The site contains various content protected by copyright, trademarks and other property rights, including text, images, graphics, etc., which are owned by the company. A user and / or any third party who performs actions on the site may not change, publish, broadcast or transfer, And use the site or part thereof for the purpose of creating another work or utilizing the site, and / or the content of the site, in whole or in part for any purpose, except for the purpose for which the site was created.


The name "MORADOVA" is wholly and exclusively owned by the company, and the entrance to the site does not in fact grant any license and / or right in them to the user or to any person or corporation.


The site and its contents are intended solely for the purposes of selling the products offered on it. No material contained on the site may be copied, reproduced, distributed, sold and / or displayed unless permission has been given in advance and in writing by the company.


Law and Jurisdiction

The law applicable to these regulations and / or to any action and / or conflict arising therefrom, is Israeli law only.


Any dispute of any kind and type, between a surfer and / or user of the site and the company and / or the site and / or its managers, due to activity and / or issue of any kind and type arising and / or related to the company and / or site will be clarified in Israel, in the competent court For this only in the city of Tel Aviv, which has the exclusive authority to discuss it.

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